Simulating an Alarm

SHOW VIDEO (Understanding GeoSpaces)

A user with Administrator privileges can simulate a an Alarm trigger within Detect VMS. This is useful to check settings to make sure the response is desirable and functional.


To simulate an event, there must be a GeoSpace configured, with camera or sensor actions associated with it. In our example, we will be simulating an intrusion triggered in a parking lot, using a mouse click to define the coordinates of the event.


Open the Edit Camera Systems window by navigating to the main Detect Map View toolbar and selecting Administrator > Edit > Camera Systems.


1 In the Simulate tab, show the active Geospaces by clicking the Geo Space button.

The button is highlighted blue to indicate it’s been activated, and the Geospaces are indicated by blue polygons over the map. Navigate to the area where you will simulate an intrusion.

2 Click on the location of the simulated event in the GeoSpace. Note the coordinates populate to the location of the click.

3 Once the coordinates are recorded, click on the Simulate tab, select Mouse Click from the menu, then click the Send to Appliance button to start the simulation.

3 A popup will ask you to confirm the simulation. Remember, this is an active test, so cameras will be actioned and any alarms that are set will be activated. Click Yes to proceed.

Once an event has been initiated, a couple of things happen.


In the Detect Map View window, a red Alert symbol appears at the location of the trigger (in our example, the mouse click). Lines appear on the map from the involved cameras to visually indicate the positions they have been turned to.

At the same time, the Detect Display View window opens, showing the views of all cameras triggered by the event. This is live video, and controlling these cameras works the same as the Display View controls.

In our simulation, notice that, while four cameras are activated in the Display View window, only two are PTZ cameras and could be actioned to respond.


Click the Clear Event button on the main toolbar to dismiss the alert.