Administrator Settings

The Site Administrator setting refers to the administrative access granted to a particular group. For example, one group might have access to all the exterior cameras, while another might have access only to interior cameras, while still a third might have access to all cameras related to a building or facility.

In the example above, this group has full System Administrator privileges. This gives this group power to change just about anything in the system.


There are Administrator settings for every aspect of your DETECT VMS. One or more Site Administration settings can be selected to fully customize what the group has access to.


In this example, the group has been assigned Site Administrator Number 1 access. When highlighted, the field below details what that access entails.

If you continue scrolling, you will see that there are group permission allowances for every aspect of your DETECT VMS.


You can view the Administrative permissions in the Permissions field as well.

As indicated in the example above, Site Administration privileges can be set for groups, and even down to individual cameras.  These settings can be overridden just as any other permission, on a group level, by clicking the number to cycle through the available options. See Permissions for more information about how that works.

Note: There may be security considerations when allowing some of these permissions. A warning pop-up may accompany some selections. Contact your LEVERAGE sales representative for guidance when making global changes to permissions and for help setting up Site Administration levels.